We hope to see you for our 2nd Annual Golf Classic in 2024.
On Monday, May 15, 2023, Mercy Medical Center Merced Foundation hosted its First Inaugural Golf Classic. The charity golf tournament was designed to garner attention and raise funds for the Foundation, which has raised philanthropic funds to support Mercy Medical Center Merced since 1984.
Kassey Mosher, Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer of the Foundation said, "We are overwhelmed by the generosity of our sponsors and players, including local business owners, hospital vendors, partners in healthcare and even our own employees. Their support demonstrates a collective desire to provide equity in healthcare for Merced County".
In addition to competitive fun amongst the 34 teams playing, Hole Sponsors provided entertainment in between play filled with fun games, drinks and snacks.
The Foundation staff and Board of Directors are grateful to the sponsors, players and numerous employee and community member volunteers who made the event successful, raising over $57,000 - 100% of which stays local allowing the hospital to continue offering exceptional healthcare to Merced.
View photos of the event by clicking here.